Saturday 8 May 2010


(reporting on the 8th)

We set off from San Diego north with the aim of getting to the beach, but in between there was Qualcomm Stadium. Football fans should know that this is home of the San Diego Chargers. I  couldn't resist going to the stadium on the way through. The stadium itself was closed as there was some event in the evening, but it was nice to see the building and the area. As you might imagine it's pretty huge and the carpark is just enormous.

We found a nice beach just north of Cardiff on the sea :). I was surprised by how cool it was, it was about midday and clear blue skies but we were not really hot on the beach. The sea was fairly cold and the waves were stronger than I have ever felt before. Just before each wave was just under waist height but the wave itself was almost head height with enough force to almost knock you off your feet. Looks pretty good for surfing, may have to try it next time we go to the beach :).

After the beach we headed on towards Los Angeles. Unfortunately we hit the outskirts of the town at about 5 on a Friday afternoon. Apparently the traffic in LA is bad at the best of times so 5 on a friday was terrible. Eventually we got to Pasadena for our night's stop.

Cube out

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