Monday 10 May 2010

¡Arriba Arriba!

We hit the Mexico/ USA boarder on the day of the Mexican celebration Cinco De Mayo which roughly translates as Sink Full of Mayonnaise. It’s a Mexican festival that is celebrates throughout Mexico and America that they hold have on the same date every year.

We parked up and walked to the Pacific Ocean. It’s strange looking over the boarder to see all the buildings pilling up as close as they can get to the fence on the Mexican side and nothing on the American side. It would have been cool to drop into Mexico to check out the festivities but we weren’t allowed so we had to admire from a far and try to smell the tacos while helicopters patrolled the area above us.

We spent the night in Lemon Grove which has the least toilets to square kilometre ratio in the Western Hemisphere. We found this out when Walmart closed at ten pm because it’s undergoing refurbishment. This led us to search the entire town looking for somewhere ‘to go’. Everything that was open didn’t have the facilities we were after but after an hour we finally found a Taco Bell which was closing in three minutes so we ran in and later walked out feeling relaxed.

The next day we got the train into central San Diego. They call their trains Trolleys and they seem to work pretty nicely. There’s only three lines so there’s less to worry about but it had some cool features/ We wandered around the Gas Light District for a bit then headed over to Old Town. It’s just like a western town from the movies and we didn’t look around it fully but it was pretty cool. I didn’t have any milk to drink once I got off my trolley though. The restaurants were all Mexican but we sort of cheated and went to an Italian but it was very nice.

The rest of the day was spent Geocaching. There was a power trail of forty to do in one afternoon and we finished our last one just before the light ran out.


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