Tuesday 27 April 2010


We head off earlyish for another long driving day, this time west across Texas. It’s quite astonishing how quickly the countryside changes. We started the day in green countryside with green forests etc. After a few hours it turned slowly less green to a fairly open dry grassland, then we went through a fantastic desert-like setting. Just as you would imagine in Texas; dry yellowish ground with scrub bushes and rock plateaus. There were the “nodding donkey” oil pumps dotted around and huge numbers of wind turbines.  Now we are in big open farmland with unbroken flat fields as far as you can see.

Along the way we saw a couple of freight trains, impressive they are too. They must have been over half a mile long with shipping containers stacked two high all the way along. We have also seen some dust devils; mini tornados in the dust, pretty cool.

We stopped for lunch at Whataburger (which I shall review separately) in this little Texan town. It was very different from what we have seen up until now. It was very dry with rusting vehicles and everything.

At the moment we are heading on a small straight road towards New Mexico.


We are now in Roswell New Mexico, home of the UFO :D, even the McDonalds is UFO themed. We have yet to properly check it out, I'll update on it tomorrow. The drive here was awesome. Huge expanses of nothing! Roads completely straight to the horizon in both directions. Fantastic stuff. We also passed another time zone, so we are 7 hours behind. Got to be careful not to get used to these 25 hour days :)

Cube out

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