Tuesday 27 April 2010

Taco Bell – Burrito Supreme review

This is a review of the Burrito Supreme that I had at Taco Bell today. Kind of off the cuff, so no pics I’m afraid.

The restaurant:

I know this isn’t technically part of the food, but I believe it is a vital part of the experience, the opinion of the food can be changed dramatically by the surroundings. Firstly, no wifi. McDonalds, Starbucks and some Wendy’s now do free wifi, so the standard has been set. The actual restaurant was ok, normal fast food stuff, although a few too many flies kicking around for my liking. The girl at the counter misheard my order and I couldn’t be bothered to argue, so I got a beef burrito supreme rather than a taco, another bad mark. The place was also quite busy so it took ages for our food to arrive. Tut tut.


When the burrito finally arrived the packaging and presentation was just not quite as good as other fast food joints. It was a large burrito wrapped in some green logoed grease proof paper, fine, just nothing special. The burrito itself was nice and big, bigger than I was expecting for the price, but not well presented. The wrap does not have the structural stability to hold any real shape, so is just a kind of blobby cylinder oozing sauce out of a corner.

The burrito:

The burrito was a large wrap containing some beef mince in tomato sauce, cream cheese, “cheddar” cheese and some salad. Apart from the slight oozing, the wrap keeps everything contained, a great improvement over the double down. The eating experience was alright, not great though. The whole thing had no real texture, just this gelatinous blob in a wrap. The taste was ok, like a fairly bland bolognaise sauce with cream cheese and lettuce. It was almost “fluffy” as red delicious apples have a tendency to be, no discerning texture and no zing or discerning point to the taste.

Concluding thoughts:

My first Taco Bell experience was largely negative, but not offensively so, just a few niggles adding up. Below par on pretty much everything, which is a shame as I love fajitas etc. when they are cooked at home.

In a word: Disappointing.

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