Sunday 2 May 2010


The new Ubuntu is out! 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx. Looking good, especially the Kubuntu Netbook Remix:

I will have to wait until I get back to upgrade, but if anyone fancies giving it a go please tell me how it goes :D

Cube out


  1. I installed 10.04 Netbook to my new Acer and am quite impressed. There are a few things to sort out but generally it is very "friendly". I have it dual booting with XP and find the Ubuntu faster in most things! Just need to sort the Wine stuff so Spotify etc can work in the Linux OS.

  2. It looks really nice, will definitely have to update when I get back. I will probably install the KDE netbook remix too as an alternative to the Gnome. For spotify, the best wine setting are given in this FAQ:


  3. Tried the Spotify install under Wine but the audio config just hangs when you try to test the sound. I'll use XP for now!
    Observation - The icons in the themes in 10.04 seem very big as if intended for use with a touch screen! I can't find a way to make them smaller.

  4. Are you using the netbook remix (UNR)? The home screen in UNR has large icons as that is the concept of the netbook remix. You should be able to switch between the UNR home and the standard Ubuntu user interface, at lest there was a way in 9.04, I cant seem to find it here in 9.10. If you have problems check the forums, they are usually very good.

    Also try enabling "normal" visual effects if you havn't already. It enables hardware 2d acceleration and makes things work better.

    Compizconfig is also something you might like to look at. It goves all the settings for visual effects and shortcuts.

    Cube out
