Thursday 27 May 2010

24/05/10 part 2

Right, we are right next to Yellowstone National Park, so close in fact that if it wasn't dark and if the van had a window on it's left side, I could see it. From my last entry we have simply been driving through Montana and through fairly continual rain. I checked the weather forecast for the next few days in Yellowstone and it should be fairly precipitation free after about 10am tomorrow, although it predicts snow rather than rain overnight.

The rain held off for the drive up to the park, which allowed us to see the geographically interesting scenery. The mountains either side of Yellowstone river and the road up to the park have been created by seismic activity and have nice characteristic signs of the violent past. The lower hills are topographically soft and are this way because seismic activity weakens the rock, which means that it erodes quickly into smooth hills and valleys. The taller mountains have hard volcanic rock peaks that have been uplifted from the volcanic areas below. This makes for a striking contrast between the soft foothills and harsh jagged peaks.

Our spot for the night was recommended by a boondocking site, so is a bit different to the parking lots and truck stops that we have been parking in over the last few nights whilst on the road. It is fairly near the top of a large hill/mountain overlooking the Yellowstone river valley. The view is amazing, or was when it was light. Funnily enough, when I got out of the van to take some photos I found some rather large paw prints in the dust near where we have parked. A wolf I think. That will give me something to think about when trying to get to sleep tonight. You don't get that service at Wal-Mart.

Right, I'll stop waffling now and get to bed. It's going to be another cold one tonight.

Cube out 

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