Tuesday 11 May 2010


A great day's caching! We got up early and set off into the desert to do the Tarot Series in Antelope Canyon. The series itself had about 80 caches in it, all placed about 0.5 - 1 mile apart next to the roads that were spread about across the canyon floor. Unlike all of the major UK caching series that I have done, this was meant to be done by car, so we were driving for about a minute, jumping out, finding the cache and jumping back in the car for the next one. The roads were perfect for it as the all had soft shoulders on both sides and most were practically empty so we could use beeline to get close then go off into the desert for the find. After the first few we got into a rhythm and got used to this guy's style, mainly a cache in a bush in the desert. By the time we had done 70 or so there was still time in the day and we thought we could go for the 100. After completeing the series and grabbing a few interlopers we had about 10 left. With the sun setting and the weather closing in we went to another nearby cluster and ended up sprinting from the car to gz and back so that we could finish before dark. 

In the end we were caching for over 11 hours jumping in and out of the car over 100 times so after logging the first few we called it a night.

Cube out

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