Tuesday 11 May 2010


We spent the night just outside of Pasadena near LA so that I could pop into Caltech and have a look round in the morning. The university has a diy walking tour of the campus, so with that on my phone I set off to see what I could see. I was very surprised to find the whole place deserted, I knew that it was a saturday morning, but Warwick still had coffee bars and shops open with people wandering around. I guess that the culture is a bit different over here. Despite the fact that there were very few people around and nowhere open for me to go inside the campus is amazing. The architectural theme is a bizarre mix of Mediterranean and Oxbridge but really well done, every building fits and has interesting quirks and carvings.

After a while of walking around reading the stories behind certain buildings and sculptures G0N came and picked me up and we went north towards Lancaster CA. Here we spend quite a while in McDonalds using their wifi sorting out plans for a caching day before having an early night in preparation for a long day.

Cube out

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