Thursday, 10 June 2010

Film Night

Upon arriving at our Walmart for the night we realised it was opposite a drive-in movie theatre. We went to get a pizza from Pizza Hut and took it in with us. This place has screenings on Friday, Saturday, and Sundays. We were there on Friday so it was just right place right time for us. It cost $6.50 each to get in and for that they show ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ and ‘Iron Man 2’. Great value for two recent films. We pulled into the nearest available space which was in a line about ten back from the screen and set about eating the pizza.

There were loads of people there. Many families turn up early with a picnic blanket and eat their dinner on folding chairs then stay there for the film. Kids were throwing an American football about in the open space and the teenagers we congregating in small groups. It’s a real social activity for the small town.

There isn’t any start time for the film; they press play when it gets dark so I popped to the toilet. The whole block was full as they had free face painting and serve all sorts of refreshments. It was getting dark fast so I decided to pass on the face paint. I walked around the front of the building on the way back to the car as they were showing adverts and I could see into the projector room through a large window. It was cool to see all the equipment and the film whirring around and I even appeared on the screen as I walked back.

Back in the car I reclined the seat back fully and stuck my bare feet out the window into the humid night air. The experience wasn’t perfect, but it was close. For example, we had to watch through a windscreen which had a slight sprinkling of fly guts. However, you can hold a conversation with the person sat next to you without annoying anybody else and you can charge your phone in the car charger whilst you watch.

I didn’t have the best seat in the house for ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ as I had the steering wheel in front of me but for ‘Iron Man 2’ I turned the fader up in the rear of the car, retreated to the sofa in the back and lay down with a pillow under my head. It’s the most comfortable cinema I’ve ever been in.



  1. My total cost to watch those 2 films was prob about £20!!! Good films to catch though...did you cry in the dragon one?! ;-)

  2. Don't be stupid, I'm a man

    so I saved my tears for Iron Man 2
