Saturday 29 May 2010

You're Flatterying Me

We spent a whole day driving to and from Cape Flattery, at least four hours each way. We drove through Forks on the way which is where the Twilight books are set. There were Twilight cafes, Twilight bookstores and tons of Twilight gift shops. There was essentially every normal store but with Twilight in the title. I don’t know what happened there before the books became massive. We didn’t stop for fear of getting bitten and I thought we’d be passing through on the way back but we took a different route.

When we got to Cape Flattery we parked up and walked down a trail through a lush green forest surrounded by all sorts of interesting trees in peculiar shapes. The trail was half dirt track and half wooden walkway as it wound its way down to the sea. We reached the viewpoint overlooking the sea and cliffs which were no more spectacular than some I’ve jumped off in Wales. Fortunately the trip was saved but the appearance of some puffins and a few brief glimpses of wild otters.

This spot is the furthest I’ve ever been from home and I took a moment to take in how much I was missing family, friends and all the things I do back in England.


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