Saturday 15 May 2010

Things you otter know.

When we reached Monteray we parked up and headed to the aquarium, it had been recommended to us so we thought we should whilst passing. It was a pretty big place with lots of sections, half were kiddies ones though. There were groups of people going around with clip boards filling out their quizes, I'm so glad I don't have to do that any more.

My favourite part was probably 'The Outer Bay' where you could watch shoals of fish make their way through an absolutely massive tank filled with a whole host of sealife. The most impressive for me was the 'Lions Mane' jelly fish as the pulse casually through the tank with a mess of neon yellow tentacles behind them like a whipped egg yolk. I could sit and watch that tank for hours.

It was a very peaceful place in parts when there weren't lots of children running about and you could watch everything whilst swaying to the music. It was great to see the turtles, flamingos and penguins but at the same time it was sad to see them in an enclosed area not in the wild. Especailly the penguins and turtles, they seemed to have no room at all. The otters are rescued from the wild, I hope the same is true for the others and they aren't stolen from their natural habitat.

The otters were great, they were very playful. They were given small rings and they toss them about, throwing them into the air and lie on their back while fiddling with them.

All in all a great visit, although there weren't enough barnacles.


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