Wednesday 12 May 2010

Caching in

So as you know we had a bit of a large Geocaching day. We did 106 in total. There's no way you'd be able to fit this series in England. This series was along various roads in the California dessert. From a map it looks like you normal series but then you look at the scale and realise that one of the stretches is twenty miles long.

The majority of caches consisted of parking up at the side of the road and going a few hundred feet into the dessert to find it under a bush. I don't think I'll look at a bush in the same way again now. We were originally intending to do 78 but there were a few extras about and once we totalled them up and we were at 86 the dream of 100 started to become a reality.

As the sun was starting to go down and the light was decreasing, storm clouds were also heading in our direction and we had to rush to get to the magic number in time. For the final ten we were parking up and rushing towards the container. We would then sprint back to the car through the dessert hurdling bushes and ditches in our way. We managed to stay out of the rain in the end.

All in all, a very good day if not only for the Geocaching numbers. Including driving too and from the series we did over 200 miles and spent nearly twelve hours from first to last with an hour out to get gas.


1 comment:

  1. A whole new meaning to the term cache and dash!
