Sunday 2 May 2010


I thought that the night at the Flying J truck stop was loud, last night puts it into perspective. We stayed in a town called Gallup, which had a motorway, freight trains that blew their horns repeatedly at each pass and wind. Egad I have never felt wind like it. It made it hard to get out of the car, it made the lamp posts sway violently and it made a lot of noise :). In the morning we popped into McD’s for some wifi and I picked up a pair of western style boots from an awesome western clothing shop.  Then we headed out into the wind and the desert once more.

The wind was not as bad as yesterday, but it was cold. I assumed that these deserts got some rain from time to time as there are some plants growing, but I was a bit surprised when it started snowing. It absolutely chucked it down with this sleety snow, which actually started settling on the desert floor.

Our first destination of the day was the “four corners”; where four states meet. Unfortunately when we got near we found that the road had closed and the area was inaccessible. Very disappointing. Our next stop was Monument Valley. Not disappointing, at all. You pay $5 each to enter the area and this gives you access to this unpaved road that winds around the monuments themselves. The whole area is so enormous that it is hard to properly grasp the scale of it. There is no real way to describe it and give it justice, it is amazing.

Cube out

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