Saturday 29 May 2010


Another driving day, but this time one with quite a lot of state jumping. Starting in South Dakota we soon found ourselves in Minnesota and decided to head south to tick off another state; Iowa. We obviously wanted a cache in each of these states, but that proved far more troublesome than it should have. We DNFed our first attempt in Minnesota and then a couple in Iowa before we finally got our first for the day. Every one we went to we seemed to come up empty handed for one reason or another. Eventually we got a cache in Iowa and Minnesota so we could head on our way. We did find an interesting place on one DNF though, it was an area where the road has a kink in it essentially due to the curvature of the earth. When the land was originally surveyed, the workers would use a set east-west width for the fields and then work north setting the lengths of each field. If you go north far enough the two parallel boundaries will converge, so where the next east-west measurement is made there will be a discrepancy and hence a kink in the field boundary and the road.

From our rather ill fated caching trip we headed east and eventually ended up in Wisconsin. Our WI cache was far better, it took a couple of moments before we had signed it and were on our way. We stopped for the night in a town called Richland WI and stumbled upon a drive-in movie theatre! We got a take out pizza and went to give it a go. We were quite astonished by the price of it, it was $6.50 each for 2 films. At home we pay he best part of £10 to see one film. The double header was “How to train a Dragon” and “Iron Man 2”. Two films that I honestly had no interest in, but I would have rewatched The Goonies to go to see a film at a drive-in (Those who haven't spoken to me about films probably don't know that The Goonies is my least favourite film of all time, my benchmark for a bad film). The setup was pretty cool, they had a field and a screen set up at one end with a hut in the middle where they kept the projector, restrooms and refreshments. The sound was broadcast on a radio station so all you had to do was tune in. I will write short reviews of the films when I get a chance, but I didn't like either of them but I thought the drive in film experience was utterly fantastic so have no regrets what soever.

Cube out

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