Monday 24 May 2010


After a pretty chilly night we set of towards Montana. It wasn't long before we reached the state line but there was a lot of rain, which so far is a theme for the day. We grabbed our Montana cache just off the freeway by a stream, which was frozen in places. The drive in Montana so far has been really wet, almost continuously raining. At times the mixture of rain and spray from the lorries made it almost impossible to see, even with the wipers on the most ferocious setting.

Even through the rain the views of the country have been great. The thick cloud gives the mountains that cool layered effect that you see in postcards. We have just been through a nice patch of snow towards the top of one of the hills and now the mountains have given way to large open rolling hills.

So far that's about it for the day. I'm sure I'll have more to write about in a few hours.

Cube out

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