Sunday 23 May 2010


On the road again for a full day of driving. It has been quite a while since our last big stint, in fact I think this is the longest drive since Roswell to Monument Valley. We set off from Sacramento this morning and after about 4 hours we finally left California. California has been great, there is so much there to see and do, but I have to say I will not miss the adverts for “Meg Witman for governor”, we have heard so many of these but I still don't know what her policies are as all of the adverts just criticise other people. * We are now in Oregon and it is raining. It started pretty much the moment we entered the state and has been raining on and off ever since. We managed to grab our Oregon cache in a brief period between showers. From what I have seen between the downpours, the countryside here is very attractive; large hills covered in green forests.

Not much else to report at the moment, we are just pounding the roads heading north to where the sky is grey but the land is green.

Cube out

Update on the 22nd:

We made it through Oregon without any problems apart from the rain. It rained on and off all of the way through and really hard at times. When sitting in a bit of traffic getting through Portland into Washington we saw a sign for a “progressive talk radio” station and decided to give it a listen. It had a guy named Norman Goldman who repeatedly claimed to be independent and the thinking man's radio show but was just aggressively left wing and really didn't talk any more sense than the people on the right that he was criticising. Politics here really is an odd game.

We finally ended the day in Aberdeen WA, a small town near the coast west of Seattle. A different Aberdeen to the Scotish one and far less grey, more green. We did over 700 miles in one day on our way to Aberdeen, a new record for us :)

Just a note, Washington is called the “Evergreen state” I translated that as “rains all the time”, and in my experience it is pretty rainy.

Cube out

*This message was not paid for by the Meg Witman for governor committee.

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